The Art Of Salad Making: 8 Mistakes To Avoid This Summer - by Daisy Dsouza - CollectLo

The Art Of Salad Making: 8 Mistakes To Avoid This Summer

Daisy Dsouza - CollectLo

Daisy Dsouza

Content Writer . Hire Me

4 min read . Apr 30


As the summer heat intensifies, there’s nothing more refreshing than a bowl of crisp, cool salad. But are you making the most out of your summer salads? Here are eight common mistakes to avoid, ensuring your assortments are as vibrant, nutritious, and refreshing as a summer breeze.

Mistake 1: The Raw Deal

Many people believe that salads should only contain raw vegetables. But let’s debunk this myth right now. Cooking certain vegetables can actually enhance their nutritional value.

For instance, cooking tomatoes can increase their lycopene content, a powerful antioxidant. Similarly, cooking carrots can boost their beta-carotene levels. So, don’t shy away from adding some grilled veggies to your mix. It can add a new dimension of flavour and pack in more nutrients.

Mistake 2: Drowning in Dressing

Picture this: you’ve prepared a beautiful, colourful assortment, and then you drown it in dressing. It’s like putting ketchup on a truffle - a culinary crime! Remember, the dressing is the supporting actor, not the star. A little goes a long way.

Do you know that many salads, with prepared dressing, have more calories than a double cheeseburger or pizza? There are a variety of healthy dressing recipes you can prepare at home.

In this warm season, opt for citrus-based dressings like lemon vinaigrette or dressings with curd or buttermilk base, which are creamy yet light.

Always dress your salad last. Just toss it with all the other ingredients right before you eat it. That way, your greens stay nice and crisp, and every bite is bursting with freshness.

Mistake 3: Neglecting the Protein

Salads aren’t just about veggies. If you’re using it as a main dish, don’t forget to add some protein. It’ll keep you full and satisfied. And no, croutons don’t count as protein.

Grilled chicken is a classic choice that is high in protein and can be flavoured in various ways to suit your greens. Boiled eggs are another great option, providing high-quality proteins and other essential nutrients. For vegans, chickpeas or tofu can be excellent protein sources.

Mistake 4: Being a Size Snob

Size matters, especially when it comes to chopping your veggies. Keep your ingredients roughly the same size. Not only does it make your greens easier to eat, but it also ensures you get a bit of everything in each bite. Trust me, no one likes chasing that rogue cherry tomato around the plate.

Mistake 5: The Monotony Monster

Eating the same salad every day is like watching reruns of a sitcom - it gets boring after a while. Mix things up! Try different veggies, proteins, and dressings for your loved ones. Remember, variety is the spice of life… and salads!

Try simple food carvings! A cucumber can be transformed into a beautiful flower or a carrot into a butterfly. These little touches will make your dish look more attractive and add an element of fun to your meal.

You can try a new recipe every week and share your experiences on your social media platforms. In this way, you will also bring out your creativity and encourage others to include healthy meals in their diets.

Mistake 6: The Fiber Faux Pas

A common mistake people make is not adding enough fiber to their medley. Fiber is essential for a healthy digestive system and can help you feel full longer. Adding ingredients like beans, lentils, or whole grains can significantly increase the Fiber content of your assortment.

Plus, they add a nice texture contrast to the crisp veggies. So, next time you’re making a salad, don’t forget to invite Fiber to the party. Your gut will thank you!

Mistake 7: Forgetting the Fat

Yes, you read it right! Healthy fats (like avocados, nuts, and olive oil) help your body absorb vitamins from your salad. So, don’t fear the fat, embrace it! On the other hand, fats in certain dressings can be bad for your health.

Ever poured a generous amount of ranch dressing over your salad, thinking it’s healthy? That’s a common mistake. Many store-bought dressings are high in unhealthy fats and calories.

A better option will be homemade olive oil and lemon dressing. Try adding a handful of nuts, they add a nice crunch and are packed with good fats.

Always use Extra Virgin Olive Oil for salad dressing due to its superior taste and health benefits.

Mistake 8: Skipping the Seasoning

Salads need seasoning too. A little salt and pepper can bring out the flavours of your ingredients. And for an extra kick, try adding some fresh herbs or spices. Fresh herbs like dill, parsley, rosemary, basil, cilantro, and mint can add a burst of flavour. For spices, consider black pepper, oregano, cumin, or paprika flakes.

Summer Special Tip: Embrace the season by adding summer fruits like berries, peaches, and watermelon. They add a sweet twist and are a great source of hydration. Also, consider using lighter dressings to keep your salads refreshing and not too heavy.

And there you have it! The eight salad errors you might be committing this summer. But remember, no one’s perfect. We all make mistakes. The important thing is to learn, laugh, and continue enjoying our salads. After all, they’re a bowl of health and happiness!