Which creature gives black milk? 99 percent of people don't know? - by Ankit Mishra - CollectLo

Which creature gives black milk? 99 percent of people don't know?

Ankit Mishra - CollectLo

Ankit Mishra

Content Writer

1 min read . May 17 2024


Milk is used daily in all our homes. This milk is of cow or buffalo. All members of the household can consume it. Generally, in homes, tea or coffee is also prepared and drunk along with this milk.

Milk is very important for a healthy life. Milk is most important for the nutrition of the child, whether it is mother's milk for a newborn child or the milk of cow or buffalo when he grows up. The milk of most creatures is white.

In such a situation, we think that there is no milk in the world other than white color. However, you may be surprised to know that the milk of an animal is also black.

Yes, you heard it right, there is also a black milk giving animal. You will be shocked to know about this. You would hardly have seen, heard or known such a fact before.

The female black rhinoceros gives black milk. They are also known as African Black Rhino. Black rhinoceros milk has the least amount of cream. Mother rhinoceros's milk is like water. It contains only 0.2 percent fat. This thin milk may be related to the animals' slow reproductive cycle.

Black rhinos can reproduce only after reaching the age of four to five years. Their pregnancy period is more than one year. They give birth to only one calf at a time and then spend a lot of time raising their babies.