How To Grow Hair Faster? | Top 5 Natural Hair Growth Tips - by Tarique Ansari - CollectLo

How To Grow Hair Faster? | Top 5 Natural Hair Growth Tips

Tarique Ansari - CollectLo

Tarique Ansari

Content Writer

3 min read . Apr 08


How To Grow Hair Faster? | Top 5 Natural Hair Growth Tips

it is a fact that genetics plays a major role in texture and growth of your hair but there are several tips and tricks that can enhance your hair growth naturally. Today I am going to give you five such tips which you can include into your routine to improve the health and appearance of hair.

Top 5 Natural Hair Growth Tips

Tip No. 1

Let's begin with tip number one, eat chia seeds, they are tiny but quite good for your hair. Chia seed are loaded with omega 3 fatty acids, these little seeds nourishes your hair follicle. These little seed make your head stronger and healthier, just sprinkle a spoonful of chiacin in your breakfast, in milk or yogurt or any other thing. You can also soak them in water for about 15 to 20 minutes and drink it on an empty stomach in the morning.

Tip No. 2

Second tip, Avocado Hair Mask. Avocados are not just delicious to eat but they are also very good for your hair because avocadoes are rich in vitamin E. This is like a shield against oxidative stress. This makes a smashed avocado with a tablespoon of honey and apply directly to your hair. Put on a shower cap and let it sit for 1 hour. Rinse it off and wash your head with my shampoo to get strong strands of air.

Tip No. 3

Tip number 3 Yogi the Chakrasar or Wheel Pose. This asan is not so complicated as it sounds. This also involves standing for movement with this blood circulation to the head area increases. More blood flow means more oxygen, more nutrition for your head and naturally faster hair growth.

Stand straight with feet apart, roll your fingers into feasts and arch back, exhale and bring your hand and head down. Take your both the arms behind your back and clasp them with each other by taking your head towards your knee. Now inhale and release your finger and gently rise up. Repeat two more times.

Tip No. 4

Now tip number four. Silk or satin pillowcases. Who knew your pillowcase will make a difference right? Traditional cotton pillow cases can cause friction leading to hair fall and hair breakages. silk and satins pillow case on the other hand are smoother and gentler on your hair, reducing damage and helping you wake up with tangled free hair.

Tip No. 5

Now Tip number 5. Wet hair is like a delicate flower, so you must treat it with care. You have to detangle your head carefully. After washing and patting your hairs with a towel, Start detangling your hair from the end with your fingers or you can use a wide tooth wooden comb. This minimizes hair stress from your shaft.

It also protects your head cuticle keeping your strands intact and healthy. Before we close, let's talk about few things. Drink enough water. Staying hydrated is like giving your a drink from inside out.

A badder's diet with biotin rich food such as broccoli, banana and sweet potato supports your hair good and managing stress through meditation and getting enough sleep also is required for a healthy hair.

Remember it's not about one big change it is about consistent small steps that makes a big date.

#HairCare, #HairGrowthTIps, #LongHair