Our Thoughts define our Identity - by Jasmine Bhatia - CollectLo

Our Thoughts define our Identity

Jasmine Bhatia - CollectLo

Jasmine Bhatia

Content Writer

2 min read . Sep 22 2023


Our thoughts are a reflection of what we are as a individual. An individual gets around 60000 thoughts in a day. The thoughts we get design and make our IDENTITY.

 Have you ever given a thought on how do you want to portray ‘YOU’ to the world and also to ‘ SELF’?

1)Do you want to be the one who is optimistic in every situation ?

2)Be someone who comes out of a difficult situation quickly by gathering a lot of courage.

3)Be the strong one who does not get blown away with the situations prevailing around.

In that case, observe the events and situations around you.

The Mindful Observance

Just as children, grow up with the outcome of the information, Ideas and Values that are imparted to them, Similarly, our identity is the manifestation of the Thoughts and knowledge that we feed ourselves with.

Many a time, there could be Chaos, confusion, and Problems around us which are Uncontrollable but, the only thing that is in our Control is the knowledge that We want to feed our Mind. Feed yourself with information that gives you Positive Vibes. The positive vibes give us positive thoughts.

The factors influencing our thoughts

The thoughts we get are a mix of the external factors that surround us and internal factors that are within us.

External factors that can influence our thoughts include:

1)Our external environment with people we communicate, interact and meet.

2) Our past experiences of life and instances that happened around us.

They shape our thoughts in a negative or positive manner.

Internal Factors that influence our thoughts are:

1) Our emotions

2)Our beliefs 

3)Our physical and mental health

4) Our dreams, desires and aspirations.

The thoughts that keep us awake and do not let us rest when we close our eyes to sleep are our internal thoughts.

It is important to understand that both external and internal factors have the power to influence our thoughts. 

Thus, we must learn to manage our thoughts effectively.

Ways to channelize our thoughts

1) By being more mindful of our thoughts that come and go.

2) By mindfully breaking the channel of negative thoughts and substituting it with a positive thought

3) Develop more positive and realistic thinking patterns.

4) Surrounding ourselves in a optimistic and positive environment


Pick the thoughts that nurture your growth to build you more Stronger and Powerful and Let go of the thoughts that are just there to disturb you.