AXILLARY BREAST TISSUE  - by Poulomi Das - CollectLo


Poulomi Das - CollectLo

Poulomi Das

Content Writer

1 min read . Mar 31 2024


Accessory breast or armpit lumps are known as axillary breast tissue which is composed of glandular tissue. The reasons behind the development of armpit lumps are many such as hormonal change, pregnancy and milk production which affect the normal breast tissue. Nevertheless, it is also suspected that axillary breast tissue is primarily composed of fatty tissue. Therefore, elaborately it is defined that axillary breast tissue is a combination of fat, nipple, areola and glandular tissue along with the breast tissue which affects around 2% - 6% among women and 1%- 3% among men.

Several changes in the body can be experienced due to the development of fatty arm tissue such as tenderness and swelling, irritation from clothing, difficulty with shoulder range motion and so on. The condition can be exacerbated during puberty, before menstruation and pregnancy. Patients with axillary breast tissue at times experience functional or cosmetic concerns. Numerous treatment options are available for fatty armpit issues including surgical and non-surgical approaches.

The non-surgical approach for the removal of axillary breast tissue covers CoolSculpting and Kybella. On the other hand, the surgical procedures for the reduction of fatty armpit tissue are liposuction, body title liposuction and excision. Additionally, exercise, a healthy diet and losing weight are some secondary approaches to reducing lump size under the arm. Nonetheless, it is also suggested that it is impossible to reduce axillary breast tissue without surgery if it is composed of breast glandular tissue. In most cases axillary breast tissues are benign, however, they can be cancerous to some extent.