HOW TO HANDLE REJECTION  - by Priyanka Bhattacharjee - CollectLo


Priyanka Bhattacharjee - CollectLo

Priyanka Bhattacharjee

Content Writer

4 min read . May 29


Rejection is a blessing in disguise. It opens up a new opportunity. It’s not the end but rather an opportunity to push harder. Rejection, though often seen as a setback, can actually be a catalyst for growth. It enables us to be a better version of ourselves. It should be implemented since childhood that always try to do better. We might get rejected in our life but when rejected take rest then bounce back. We are not perfect, no one can be perfect. Perfection is an illusion. We are towards perfection. We get rejected because we don’t give our best. Give your best; result will be in your hand. As proverb goes “failures are the pillars of success.” It’s introspection. Rejection has deeper meaning. Let’s delve into it.

HARD WORK: Hard work is the key. We must not forget that hard work always pays off. Dream is not what you see in sleep but it is something that does not let you sleep. Success comes only when you do hard work with smart work.

BE CONSISTENT: Consistency is paramount; to attain success, one must adhere steadfastly to the principles of dedication, determination, and discipline.

QUESTIONING: when rejected seek clarity by asking “why "and understand the reasons behind it. Keep asking until you get the answer. Once you are satisfied, take time and be up and doing.

SELF- CARE: Prioritize yourself amidst challenges.. Don’t get obsessed with it. It makes you feel unsettling but you have to hold your horses. Take time to rejuvenate. Believe in yourself. Don’t take any step in haste. Arise, awake, and do not stop until the goal is reached. The greatest sin is to think you weak.

KNOWLEDGE SEEKING: “I WILL DRINK LIFE TO THE LEES.” This quality will help you to gain knowledge as well as handle rejection. If you get rejected your unquenchable character will push you further and help you to achieve your goal. Let rejection motivate you to learn and grow.

AVOID TOXIC PEOPLE: People are bound to voice unpleasant thoughts- it’s just part of human nature to articulate them in myriad ways. Let them be. People are judgmental. If you are educated you might understand one thing that everything is subjective. Avoid the judgmental people as much as possible. Once you achieve your goal these people will come and start oiling you. Remember one thing nobody will hear your failure stories unless you have a success stories at the end.

HO’OPONOPONO TECHNIQUE: Yes you heard it right! It has a magical power that clears your mental barriers . We face obstacles in career, marriage, health, money. If someone religiously follows this technique it will help you clear your blockages. I am sorry. Please forgive me, thank you, I love you.

HELP YOUR SUBCONCIOUS MIND: Our subconscious minds play a pivotal role in our life. If we think negative our subconscious mind will start believe the same. If we think negative our subconscious mind will be acting the same. When your believe falters, we can do one thing-we can write on a piece of paper i.e., I CAN DO IT and paste it on the wall. In the morning we must repeat it. Our subconscious minds will start believing the same. It will help you regain your belief.

READ BOOKS: Books are our best companion. It will not leave you in the midstream. When no one is there to support you seek help for books. Read motivational books which will keep you motivated. Motivation will help you to achieve your goal.

SET GOALS: An aimless person is like a ship without a compass. It conveys the idea that without clear direction, a person can drift through life without achieving their potential. You need the kind of determination that Arjuna embodies. Meeting daily, hourly and even minute goals sets the foundation. By consistently hitting these short term targets, one can overcome weekly challenges, move on to a two month milestone, and ultimately realize the yearly objectives.

LIMIT DISTRACTION: If hurdles arise in your path, break through them. Be it your phone, friends or procrastination. Brave it. Procrastination acts as our enemy, holding us back from reaching our full potential. Eliminate any distractions that come your way to stay focussed and on track towards your goal.

REMAIN MOTIVATED: Let your sprits soar higher and higher even though you don’t have immediate opportunity. Don’t break down. When all doors are closed, remember there’s always another one ready to open for you.

CLOSING THOUGHTS: Hurdles come your way to strengthen you not to break you apart .Learn from them to avoid repeating the same mistakes. If challenges were as insignificant as pebbles, they would not hold the same value or lessons for growth.

“If a Ram can achieve it, you can too.

If you falter, keep pushing, you’ll make it through.

When feeling low, never quit,

Success is a journey, embrace it.”