Dussehra: The Grand Finale of Navratri - by Reema Batra Singh - CollectLo

Dussehra: The Grand Finale of Navratri

Reema Batra Singh - CollectLo

Reema Batra Singh

Content Writer . Hire Me

4 min read . Oct 12 2023


The vibrant and culturally rich tapestry of India adorned with numerous festivals, each with its own unique significance and charm. Of these, Navratri is a major festival, consisting of nine nights of devotion, dance, and divine reverence. As this enchanting festival comes to an end, its grand finale is known as Dussehra, a day of triumph, symbolism and cultural significance. In this blog post, we explore the essence of Dussehra. its history, customs, and deeper message.

Story of Dussehra: Victory of good over evil

At its core, Dussehra celebrates the victory of Lord Rama over the demon king Ravana. This epic story from Ramayana tells how Ravana, with his ten heads and formidable powers, kidnapped Lord Rama's beloved wife Sita. The battle between the forces of good and evil forms the heart of this narrative.

This war continued for ten days and ended on the tenth day, which is celebrated as Dussehra. It was on this day that Lord Rama, with the help of his loyal devotee Hanuman and his army of monkeys, defeated the mighty Ravana, thus symbolizing the victory of righteousness over unrighteousness, truth over untruth, and light over darkness.

Dussehra: a day of celebration and symbolism

Dussehra is celebrated with great enthusiasm and excitement all over India. The most revered tradition associated with Dussehra is the burning of effigies of Ravana, his brother Kumbhakarna and his son Meghnad (Indrajit). Often filled with fireworks, these tall effigies are set on fire, symbolizing the destruction of evil forces.

The act of burning the effigy of Ravana is not just a spectacle, but a symbolic gesture of purifying one's inner demons, casting off negative qualities and renewing one's commitment to living a virtuous life. It serves as a reminder that, like Lord Rama, we too can conquer our inner demons through courage, righteousness, and devotion.

Apart from effigy burning, other regional traditions and customs are also followed during Dussehra. In West Bengal, it marks the culmination of Durga Puja, which involves the immersion of elaborately crafted idols of Goddess Durga in rivers or water bodies. In the southern state of Karnataka is celebrated as Ayudha Puja, where people worship and decorate their tools and equipment.

Cultural diversity of Dussehra

The most notable aspect of Dussehra is its cultural diversity. Although the underlying theme of the predominance of good over evil remains constant, the way it is celebrated varies from region to region. In the northern states of India, such as Uttar Pradesh, Haryana and Punjab, Ramlila Performances are held, reenacting the epic battle of Lord Rama.

In the state of Gujarat, Dussehra coincides with the Navratri festival, resulting in nine nights of energetic Garba and Dandiya Raas dances. In the royal city of Mysore in Karnataka, the Mysore Dussehra festival is famous for its grand processions, illuminated palaces and cultural performances.

The spiritual message of Dussehra

Beyond the celebrations and rituals, Dussehra carries a deep spiritual message. It reminds us that the battle between good and evil is not just an external conflict but an internal one as well. The victory of Lord Rama shows that righteousness and virtue must be upheld in our hearts, and it is our duty to conquer the darkness of ignorance and ego present within us.

Dussehra calls upon us to examine our lives and identify negative influences and work towards eliminating them. It inspires us to stand for truth, justice, and morality even in adverse circumstances.

Contemporary relevance of Dussehra

In today's world, where moral dilemmas and ethical challenges are prevalent, Dussehra serves as an eternal reminder of the enduring importance of righteousness. It inspires people to behave with respect, kindness, and empathy. It reminds us that good triumphs over evil. This is not a one-time event but an ongoing journey that each of us must undertake.

Conclusion: Embracing the light of Dussehra

In the grand finale of Navratri, Dussehra brings forth a deep message that transcends time and space. It is a celebration of the eternal battle between good and evil, in the world around us and within our own hearts. When we see the effigies of Ravana and his companions engulfed in flames, we are reminded that, like Lord Rama, we have the power to conquer the darkness within us through courage, righteousness, and devotion. .

The significance of Dussehra is not limited to ancient legends; It is a living tradition that continues to inspire millions of people. It urges us to reflect and identify the negativity and evils present within us, and strive for inner transformation. It teaches us that the victory of good over evil is not a mere myth but a continuous journey, a path on which We must walk with unwavering resolve.

In a world full of moral complexities and moral dilemmas, the message of Dussehra has always remained relevant. It calls on us to act with honesty, empathy and compassion to promote a society where righteousness prevails. As we celebrate this grand finale, let us bring the light of Dussehra within us, illuminating our lives and the lives of those around us. Through our actions, may we continue to uphold the values of truth, justice and virtue, ensuring that good always triumphs over evil and that the The brightness of light dispels the shadow of darkness.