9 content writing types that businesses mostly use - by Wilvia Dsouza  - CollectLo

9 content writing types that businesses mostly use

Wilvia Dsouza  - CollectLo

Wilvia Dsouza

Content Writer

1 min read . Mar 27


Leveraging content writing for your website and blogs with SEO (search engine optimization) will help you gain better quality prospects. Most businesses lag behind and only prioritize paid traffic, which is good yet doesn't make you feel competitive.

Utilizing SEO for blog posts can help you reach the right audience, which can make you the best thought leader within your competitor's list.

What is content writing?

Photo by Plann: https://www.pexels.com/photo/woman-using-smartphone-and-laptop-4549414/ - by Wilvia Dsouza  - CollectLo

Content writing is researching a developing a written work that is used for giving information that engages with your customers, which is mainly used for marketing purposes. Content writers make this process a success. This includes clear language, editing, grammar, and spelling checks.

What is Copywriting?

Copywriting is different from content writing as this style of writing is mainly used for ads, emails, social media, and short-form content initiating persuasive language. For promoting and advertising, copywriting is the best form of writing.

As a part of digital marketing, content writing is widely used. According to a study, 80% of blog posts used 'how to' articles. The 'How to' article brings 1.5x more organic traffic than other content types.

Types of content writing

  1. Blog posts: Among many writing services, blog posts in one. This is the most used type of content marketing that helps customers search for valuable information. Blog posts boost your online traffic, and SEO rankings and credit your website. 
  2. SEO Writing: As the most common writing in the business now, search engine optimization is the primary part of digital marketing, focusing on optimized content composed online. SEO is the best option for marketing content writing.
  3. Technical writing: This writing skill includes producing content and distributing that relates to an industrial professional setting like finance, medicine, electronics, architecture, etc.
  4. E-books: E-books are the kind of content writing type that is in the form of electronic, which consists of text, images, statistics, etc.
  5. Creative writing: Creative writing can help in communication, building confidence, imagination, and thought clarification. This kind of writing is used in entertainment industries like podcasts, movies, and music. This kind of writing engages in poetry, novels, scripts, songs, essays, etc.
  6. Product description: The e-commerce industry uses product descriptions to showcase the benefits of their products. Product description is a type of marketing copy that provides details in paragraphs or bullet points. This kind of writing can be formal or informal, depending on the company's mission.
  7. Infographics: Infographics are graphic visuals in the form of information, data, and illustrations that are knowledge-based with clarity and attractive placements.
  8. Website content: Website content is for the use of online users to know better about your business and what you do. This includes text copies, videos, images with clickable links, etc.
  9. Emails: These mainly come in copywriting, as the main objective of the email is to grasp the attention and increase the click-through rate along with getting quality leads.

Content writing is a mix of many things to create valuable and persuading output. Using AI can make the process faster, but using your ideas can help your customers better grasp your business. Though human content is time-consuming, it is way more reliable.