Dos and Don'ts Every New Freelancer Must  Know - by Rahul Patel  - CollectLo

Dos and Don'ts Every New Freelancer Must Know

Rahul Patel  - CollectLo

Rahul Patel

Content Writer

3 min read . Oct 20 2023


Welcome to the dynamic world of freelancing! If you're just starting this exciting journey, you're in for a rewarding but often challenging experience. As a seasoned freelancer, I understand the importance of guidance for newcomers.

In this article, I'll share a comprehensive list of dos and don'ts that will help you embark on your freelancing adventure successfully. From building a stellar portfolio to setting competitive rates, finding your niche, and avoiding common pitfalls, we'll explore essential strategies to launch and sustain your freelancing career.


1. Build Your Portfolio: Showcase Your Skills

Do: Your portfolio is your professional showcase. It's where potential clients get a glimpse of your skills and expertise. As a new freelancer, start building your portfolio right away. Include your best work and ensure it reflects your strengths.

My Experience: When I began freelancing, creating an online portfolio was a priority. It served as a visual resume and helped me stand out in a competitive market. As I completed projects, I regularly updated my portfolio to reflect my growth and versatility.

2. Network and Find Your Niche

Do: Freelancing isn't just about the work; it's about the connections you make. Networking is a powerful tool. Join freelancing platforms, engage with your peers, and consider attending industry events or webinars. Simultaneously, find your niche in the freelancing world. Specializing in a particular field can set you apart from the crowd.

My Experience: In my early freelancing days, I connected with fellow freelancers on various platforms and sought advice from those more experienced. It was through these connections that I found my niche. Focusing on a specific area allowed me to position myself as an expert and attract clients seeking specialized services.

3. Set Realistic Rates

Do: Deciding your rates can be a daunting task, especially as a new freelancer. Do thorough research to understand industry standards and the market demand for your services. Ensure your rates are competitive but also realistic. Undervaluing your work can be just as damaging as overpricing it.

My Experience: In my initial freelancing endeavors, I made the mistake of underpricing my services in an attempt to attract clients. While it worked to some extent, I soon realized that my rates didn't reflect the value I offered. I revised my pricing to align with my expertise and the quality of my work, and I found clients who appreciated the change.


1. Don't Work Without a Contract

Don't: It's a common pitfall to start work without a contract in place. A written agreement is essential for both parties. It should outline project details, deadlines, payment terms, revisions, and other critical aspects. Having a contract is crucial for your protection and setting clear expectations.

My Experience: I once worked on a project without a contract that clearly defined the number of revisions. When the client requested multiple changes, I had no legal recourse. That experience taught me the importance of having a comprehensive contract for every project.

2. Don't Overcommit: Set Realistic Expectations

Don't: The temptation to accept every project that comes your way is real, especially when you're starting. However, overcommitting can lead to missed deadlines, subpar work, and burnout. It's essential to set realistic expectations for yourself and your clients.

My Experience: Early in my freelancing journey, I fell into the trap of accepting more work than I could manage. The result was stress and a decline in the quality of my work. I learned the importance of prioritizing projects and communicating my availability to clients effectively.

3. Don't Underestimate the Importance of Communication

Don't: Effective communication is the backbone of successful freelancing. Don't underestimate its significance. Regularly update your clients on project progress, ask clarifying questions, and be responsive to their inquiries. Lack of communication can lead to misunderstandings and unsatisfied clients.

My Experience: There was an instance when I failed to provide regular updates to a client, assuming they were content with the project's progress. However, the client felt neglected and disappointed. It was a lesson in the importance of maintaining open and transparent communication with clients to ensure their satisfaction.

Conclusion: Your Guiding Star in Freelancing

Your freelancing journey is just beginning, and these dos and don'ts are your guiding star. Building a strong portfolio, networking, finding your niche, setting realistic rates, using contracts, avoiding over-commitment, and prioritizing communication is key to your success.

Remember, freelancing is a dynamic and ever-evolving field. Continuous learning and adaptation are crucial for your growth.

So, embrace these principles, learn from your experiences, and set out on your freelancing adventure with confidence.