Decoding Aman Gupta: Lessons from a Marketing Genius - by Simran J - CollectLo

Decoding Aman Gupta: Lessons from a Marketing Genius

Simran J - CollectLo

Simran J

Content Writer

2 min read . Mar 12


Ever noticed how Aman Gupta, the fan-favorite shark, always flaunts his watch in his palm? It's not just a quirk; it's savvy marketing, all while earning Boat a free ad spot. Here's what we can learn from this National Award Winner of Celebrity Creator of the Year:

1. Being Relatable is always Trending: Gupta during his swimming with sharks session showed he travels from Auto, traveled via local trains, and has struggled like all of us. He sold the dream if he can do it, so can anyone else. Making the audience root for him.

2. Free Advertising: Gupta is a walking Boat ad. From his wrist to college speeches, he showcases Boat gear effortlessly. And don't miss his Instagram handle: "amanxboat."

3. Make in India, Emotional Connection: Gupta during his award-winning speech mentioned to Prime Minister Modi how Boat supports the Make in India initiative, winning hearts by emphasizing his brand's efforts for making India better in terms of employment and tech. His and Brand's loyalty to the nation earns him extra points.

4. Work Hard, Play Hard: "Mujhe Kaam me mazza nhi aayega toh main kaam nhi karunga" Gupta says he lives by this mantra. His laid-back and realistic approach resonates with Gen Z, making him more relatable.

5. Investor with Heart: In the tank if you've noticed Aman asks the least amount of questions and always says that he is betting on the entrepreneur as they or their vision has touched him. It clearly shows him as an investor with high EQ and it will be fun to learn from him, making a lot of pitchers in seasons 2 & 3 being partial towards getting him on board with them. Also his statements, "hum bhi kar lenge" "Main dil se deal karta hun" put a generous layer of human touch in the intellectual tank atmosphere. 

6. Be Your Biggest Cheerleader: Gupta in his speech didn't fail to mention that Boat is now the 2nd largest wearable brand in the world. Teaching us If you have the chance to show your work always do it and take credit for the business and honour you've brought in. Even in the tank, he has put across his expertise, learnings, and winnings various times

.7. Personality Sells: Gupta's persona mirrors his brand—desi, cool, fun, and for the modern generation. It's a winning combination.

Aman Gupta's journey as a fan-favorite shark and savvy marketer offers invaluable lessons for aspiring creators and entrepreneurs. From the power of relatability to the art of free advertising, Gupta's approach teaches us the importance of authenticity, emotional connection, and self-confidence in building a successful brand. As we glean insights from Gupta's success story, we're reminded that in a world inundated with marketing noise, it's the genuine connections and relatable personalities that truly resonate with audiences and leave a lasting impact.   

What are your learnings from the sharks and the tank? Share your thoughts in the comments.