Safed: A Misunderstood Colour - by Suzit Dash - CollectLo

Safed: A Misunderstood Colour

Suzit Dash - CollectLo

Suzit Dash

Content Writer

3 min read . Sep 01


1. "Safed" or colour white

  • White colour is often used to symbolise positive attributes such as Purity, Peace, Renunciation and harmony. There are multiple reasons why the colour is a part of our Tricolor - national flag. One of the reasons being it symbolises Peace and it is believed to bring peace within the diverse communities of India (high hopes,but yeah). 
  • Another beautiful aspect of the colour is Renunciation. Saints, Sanyasis and spiritually inclined people are mostly identified adorning the colour. Since human nature is so dynamic, it tends to gravitate towards the negative traits than the positive attributes. Sometimes the pessimistic and egoistic mindset extracts the most negative attributes out of the most positive actions which results in oppression of communities - which are part and parcel of ourselves and vice versa. 

2. The Fate of a Transgender...

  • Transgenders are humans. Yes , they are. Do you feel different when you meet a individual male/ female buying groceries? Can you mind the way they dress , walk, look or talk? Of course, no. Then why do we feel different when we come across a human that is transgender. It's the ego within us and distinct nature of ego is to feel superior than the rest and suppress them to satisfy the ego. 
  • People who can't suppress with might, suppress with judgemental and blasphemous taunts. Any kind of suppression leads to addition in the sufferings of transgenders and ultimately they end up being exploited physically and abused mentally. The perception of this community is stooped down so much in the minds of common people i.e they consider the community as a slang or foul words. Hence resulting in existence of one more facility and equality deprived community.
  • But why do fewer Transgenders hide their self ? It's not only because of regressive societal norms, but also because of insecurity of being unacceptable. The fear of being abused and hated by others doesn't allows them to reveal their true self in the world they live, indeed shameful. 
  • If I had to look at the transgenders community in hierarchy, the uppermost tier would be the most suitable for them. From the perspective of character, morale and ethics , this community clearly left no crumbs. They are the epitome of self love and compassion. There's no reason to act pitiful if we ever meet Transgenders as they are capable of everything. We need to respect them as we respect our colleagues and elders. 
  •  Our ancestors knew that the modern generation won't regard the Transgenders community. Hence they inculcated the fear factor of being cursed by them and thus out of fear we respect them. Once we identify ourselves to be a part of them and them being a part of us , we can naturally love and respect them in every field , be it workplaces or businesses. From the perspective of ancient texts, even demigods couldn't defeat the demons until Lord Shiva and Parvati unite to become Ardhanarishvara. Ultimately we are all souls just residing in different bodies.

3. Safed : The Colour of Widows

  • White colour represents Renunciation as well as procreation. Recall  the white light passing through the prism to give out 7 vibrant colours. Ironically, the vivid aspect of this colour is neglected and society imposes the same on widows , forcing them to renounce their existence. 
  • Was the woman's sole reason of existence lied in their spouse or vice versa ? Or is it because the spouse is dead , there's nothing left for the woman to cherish in her own life? She has her own life left to cherish by her choices. 
  • These issues are more prevalent in rural areas where people lack education and still women are limited to the households. It's not just the society that is oppressing, but the mindset of the individual too.  It's only the choice of individuals that matters and the respective choices lies in free mindset.

4. Accept yourselves the way you are

  • We very often hear the saying " accept the way you are" or " embrace the real you ". What does it mean ? Are we not existing the way we should? The correct question is , do we know who we are ? Who I am ? And who are you ? Many of us are unanswerable to this question.
  •  Because this period is all about filters and flags. We tread ourselves every way possible to fit in the green flag designation. We modify ourselves bit by bit to fit in someone else's imagination and hyper- illogical expectations. What for ? To enter the vicinity of that individual or to be delusionally loved by that individual. Can you justify the slaughtering of your self esteem and true self while seeking attention from someone else ? 
  • It's high time when we should prioritise ourselves before anyone else. That's what I learned from this short film " Safed". Love is indeed blind when it's true. No matter who the person is , a true thing will leave everything else for the individual. 

5. Safed : About the Film 

  • The protagonist of the movie is a Transgender named as Chaandi ( played by Abhay Verma). Due to the hostile environment, she is unable to showcase who she is and eventually falls in love with a widow women who's going through somehow similar phase of life. 
  • The essence of the film lies in understanding love, choices and respecting people around us. It inspires us to celebrate diverse communities and ensure equality for them as well. Plus the 1 hour of film ignites emotions like never before. 

"We seek blessings from them in our happiness and exploit them while they seek help."