The Impact Of Conscious Consumerism On The Environment   - by Swetha  - CollectLo

The Impact Of Conscious Consumerism On The Environment

Swetha  - CollectLo


Content Writer

4 min read . Oct 05 2023


Conscious Consumerism is an act of informative and mindful purchase. This implies consumer/customer is conscious and considerate of the impact of the product on the environment and one’s personal life. Conscious consumerism is not a decision-making process it is also a way of life that votes for the kind of planet we want to live in. 

Conscious Consumerism can take any form and can start from anywhere. Here are some examples of how a small choice can significantly impact the planet and self.

Reducing Waste

Say a big no to single-use plastic disposable packaging. Carry your own cloth or jute bag, which can be reused and repurposed for a long time. It is estimated that there are around 199 million tons of plastic in our oceans. This waste has been distributed increasingly every single day. Though businesses have taken the pledge of plastic reduction, tons of plastic are being produced and consumed daily.

Reusing Waste 

 Even though organic waste is easy to get rid of, it can be put to better use. Reduce organic waste by composting the fruits and vegetables waste. This includes eggshells, spent flowers and dead leaves, which can be used as a fertilizer.


Minimalistic living is not a lack of something, it is a well-informed way of living. Owning necessary items for a positive impact on the environment by reducing waste and clutter. Opting for a minimalistic lifestyle, one can truly enjoy the joy of simple things. 

Local Support 

Consumption of imported goods may sound exotic, but what about those invisible carbon footprints left behind? Supporting local vendors and purchasing locally produced goods will reduce the transportation impact. This helps the environment and encourages the production industry to build an eco-friendly community.

Plant-Based Diet 

Promoting plant-based food consumption can significantly impact the environment. Reducing greenhouse emissions from the meat industry and protecting natural habitats, reduces the stress of fertilizers on land and conserves water. By making conscious decisions about the food we consume, we can create a positive impact on the environment. Consider making a change on your plate to contribute to a better world.

Balancing Supply and Demand Cycle 

Overproduction is one of the biggest concerns. This leads to excess wastage of land, water, and renewable resources and is a threat to natural habitats. By recycling, reusing and repurposing the products, there will be a significant reduction in the demand for new products. If possible repair the old items and repurpose the used plastic items. Balancing demand and supply is crucial for sustainable and eco-friendly living. 

Sustainable Fashion Choices 

The fashion industry is an evergreen and booming industry that can never see a drop in supply. According to Ellen from the MacArthur Foundation, globally 40 million tons of textile waste is generated every year. Despite the recyclable nature of cotton, less than 1% of cotton textile waste is recycled in 2021. Opt for clothes and footwear made from sustainable and ethically sourced resources. This helps a lot in combating the battle of negative impact on the environment. 

Secondhand Consumerism 

Opting for second-hand is not only a way to save money but also, a responsible way to save the planet. Thrifting and buying vintage products is a great way to reuse them. Opting for refurbished electronic goods such as mobile phones, laptops, and televisions reduces a lot of e-waste. Second-hand consumerism gives the thrill of finding unique products, affordability is the brownie point. 

Sustainable Transportation 

The automobile industry is one of the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions, and pollution is a threat in the coming years. Transportation contributes 26% of global CO2 emissions (all modes of transport) and most of this is from advanced countries. Sustainable choices like emission-less vehicles and using public transportation create an impact on the urban lifestyle. Though there is a shift in consumer perception towards CNG, electric vehicles and carpooling, there is still a long way to go. 

Energy Management 

Effective energy management contributes a lot to mitigating climate change. An increase in the efficient use of renewable resources like natural gas, solar wind and hydraulic power reflects on the carbon footprints. Optimize energy consumption in living neighbourhoods, commercial buildings and industrial processes. With the disruption of technologies like IoT, one can make smart choices in energy management. 

Supporting Animal Welfare 

Animals play a vital role in balancing the biodiversity of the ecosystem. The presence or absence of certain animal species creates a huge impact on the environment. Every animal has a role in the ecosystem and by co-existing with wildlife we can create a healthy ecosystem. 


Conscious consumerism is a lifestyle, which can only get better by consistently practising. It is important to educate oneself about the products and the impact of those products on the environment. One should be aware of the product life cycle, starting from the procurement of the resources to the footprints left behind by the products. 

With the evolving technology, there are several corporate initiatives and efforts put forward to recycle and repurpose waste. Companies like RecycleGo, Jelly Coin etc., are rewarding customers with NFTs for recycling waste. Incentivising customers to recycle waste is one the most effective ways to encourage more customers to recycle waste. 

“Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. This is the only way we save the planet.”