Leap of faith- overcome your fears
“Do things that fear you the most.”
The GROWTH is directly proportional to doing what you FEAR, getting out of your comfort zone, and starting doing things that you always wanted to do, it’s never too late.
Once you START living like this you will be surprised how drastically your life changes in a good way.
If you are scared of public speaking then you should start doing exactly what you fear otherwise you will never overcome that fear of public speaking. Just start talking to a bunch of new people, and take small steps- one by one. Then start by addressing the small crowd and eventually by the time you have to give a speech in front of thousands of people, you won’t even hesitate for one second. It is as simple as that.
When you’re going to start something that scares you, your heartbeat rises, you start sweating, and start thinking about what will happen if you fail — even before messing up. Most people won’t notice the difference even if you mess up and most people don’t care. So don’t think about what others will think and focus on what you’re supposed to do.
“Doing things that fear you most is a real sign of bravery.”’
BEGINNING is always hard, but once you get past that initial phase there is no way stopping you because it will get easier every time you repeat it.
The satisfaction after you finish doing something, you once feared is priceless. Nothing beats inner happiness and inner peace after achieving things you were scared of. Only after completing that, you know how easy it was and you were scared to do it. Your heart is pumping so hard that you can hear your heartbeats with your ears, but in the end, all nervousness disappears and YOU WANT TO DO IT AGAIN.
living like this makes your life unrecognizable in a short amount of time and there will be no hurdles in your growth because you know how to skip hurdles and overcome your fears now.
whatever you are scared of just start doing that right away